Authorization to Obtain a Corporate Card Skip to main content

Authorization to Obtain a Corporate Card

Managers and directors of departments determine the need for corporate cards in their area and who will be issued a card.

Each approved employee will complete an online Corporate Card Application and Cardholder Agreement in Workday. By agreeing to the terms, the employee understands:

  • the intent of the corporate card program
  • how to use the corporate card agrees to adhere to the policies and procedures
  • guidelines established for the program
  • understands the disciplinary actions that may be applied if the card is misused.

The cardholder supervisor/manager approves the Corporate Card Application and the Cardholder Agreement. The supervisor's/manager’s approval indicates that they understands their responsibilities under the corporate card program. The supervisor/manager will recommend the transaction and monthly dollar limits. Typically, the maximum amount that can be purchased with one transaction is $2,500 and the maximum monthly spend limit is $10,000. This amount should be consistent with the acquisition assignment of the employee to cover unusual months without being high enough to expose the university to excessive risk.

The senior purchasing manager also approves the Corporate Card Application. The approval provides sign-off on those aspects of the Corporate Card Program that can be approved prior to a corporate card purchase, such as:

  1. The authorized requestor’s (cardholder) authority to approve purchases and the expenditure of funds against budget,
  2. availability of budget and consideration of budget implications,
  3. appropriateness of the assigned account codes.

A cardholder who leaves university employment will immediately surrender his/her corporate card and any outstanding transaction information to his/her supervisor/manager. A new Cardholder Agreement form is completed when transferring to a different department.