Vehicles will be available for inspection starting on Wednesday, January 29th, and concluding on Tuesday, February 11th. Interested parties can call Facilities Management at (808) 675-3400 to schedule an inspection or test drive. The hours for inspections and test driving are weekdays from 12:00 pm through 3:00 pm. Test drives are subject to the following restrictions:
Your time is limited to 20 minutes or less.
You may not drive outside of the university area.
You accept responsibility for any damage to the vehicle while in your possession.
For any vehicle questions, please call Kawika Vendiola at (808) 675-3431. For any process questions, please call Russell Tai Hook at (808) 675-3952.
BYU–Hawaii Terms and Conditions
All information provided on the vehicles, equipment, or items is to the best of our knowledge.
The bidder is responsible for inspecting and determining the condition and suitability of the vehicle(s), equipment, or item(s).
The sale of these items is on an “as-is” and “where-is” basis and, as such, has no express or implied warranties.
BYU–Hawaii reserves the right to sell to the highest bidder or reject any or all bids in the best interest of BYU–Hawaii. Bids may be rejected if they are below fair market value, improperly filled out, or lack the necessary details. BYU–Hawaii may, upon rejecting all bids, re-bid at a later date.
All bids must be received at Purchasing by the date and time listed in the official bid notice. All bids must be received on this form, signed, and sent via email to .
Equal bids will be awarded based on the submission date and time, as reflected in the sent email.
If you are bidding on more than one item – please use a separate Surplus Bid Form for each item.
Successful bidders are responsible for the removal and/or transport of the equipment. The successful bidder is also responsible for, but not limited to all damages, incidents, and all other liabilities that occur during the removal and/or transport of the equipment, whether on or off-campus.
Most forms of payment are acceptable and must be made within five business days of being notified of their winning bid or the item will be offered to the next highest bidder. In the event of default by the notified highest bidder, the next highest bidder will be notified that their offer has been accepted.
The winning bidder must meet with a Purchasing representative to sign the Bill of Sale. The winning bidder then takes the Bill of Sale to the cashiers to make payment. Finally, the winning bidder takes the signed bill of sale and the payment receipt to the Facilities Management Office to have all necessary items issued to them. All sales are FINAL!
If you have any general questions, please call (808) 675-3400.