Gifts and Awards Skip to main content

Gifts and Awards

BYUH does not allow cash or gift cards as prizes. Tangible items can be used for gifts, awards, and incentives. See the Hosting, Retreat and Teambuilding policy.

If the award purchased by the university is valued at over $50 we are required to keep track of those that receive the award. If the student or employee receives a cumulation of gifts over $600 it will be reported on their taxes. Please complete the Prize and Award Information Form for those affiliated with the university and submit this form to purchasing along with the receipts used to purchase the gift.

Likewise, we need to keep track of nonemployees or student that receive gifts or awards purchased by the university. We are required to issue tax form 1099-MISC for a cumulation of gifts over $600. To do this we need each recipient to complete a W9 and complete a supplier add form. These forms, along with receipts, should accompany the submitted Prize and Award Information Form for those not affiliated with the university.