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Purchasing, Campus Receiving & Distribution (CRD) and the Office of Information Technology (OIT) are responsible for the disposal process and/or resale of furniture, fixtures, vehicles, and technology equipment. All items purchased with university funds are university property. When university property becomes obsolete, outdated, unneeded, or unwanted, it should be declared “surplus” and disposed of according to university surplus procedures.

Purchasing will coordinate the surplus of capital equipment with CRD and the sale of vehicles with the Facilities Management Fleet Services. Fixed assets will coordinate the surplus of electronic capital equipment with OIT. Equipment, both non-electronic and electronic, that is difficult to pick up and relocate will remain in the division or department until final disposition is determined. CRD and OIT are responsible for the removal of the university blue fixed asset tag from capital equipment items before it is sold.

The university does not normally make donations to outside organizations. However, in special situations, an exception may be granted by the President’s Council. All surplus property must go through Campus Receiving & Distribution for control purposes.