Purchase Requisition
Purchase requisitions start the process for making institutional purchases. These are goods and services that are of high value, of high risk or where we are establishing a contract. Consumer retail goods and services generally will use a purchasing card to procure. A purchase order is used to pay for the goods or services once it has been received, invoiced and fulfilled to our satisfaction.
A purchase requisition is submitted in Workday
Purchase requisitions do not have a minimum or maximum dollar limit. Though corporate cards and supplier invoice requests (SIR) are used for most low value transactions, if there is any risk or reasons that university desires to use a Purchase Requisition, it may.
To ensure best value and speed of procurement:
- Normally departments procure items under $2,500. No quotations are required and the department works to ensure best value.
- Purchases from $2,500 to $20,000 require a purchase requisition, purchase order and documentation in Workday as to how best value was determined.
- All purchases over $20,000 require a purchase requisition, purchase order and at least two written quotations or bids. Exceptions to the multiple bid process are when using
- Purchasing contracts (pre-established contract for goods and services that has already gone through a competitive bidding process with BYUH, the Church, or other CES school)
- Consortium pricing (pre-established procurement membership and the buyer has reasonably compared pricing against other sources)
- Established vendor (a vendor in which we regularly do business with. They meet the following:
- established as a supplier in Workday,
- won at least three competitive quotations or bids,
- agrees to BYUH terms and conditions, and
- the purchase is under $100,000)
- Those that meet this qualification should be periodically assessed by purchasing to ensure ongoing competitive value.
- At request of Special Projects Department (in situations where SPD has determined it is in the best interest of the university to purchase materials and goods for a specific project).
- Sole source - (For items over $20,000 the senior purchasing manager may authorize the use of single or sole source and select to use negotiation tools other than competitive bids).
Correspondence With Suppliers
Correspondence with suppliers relating to present orders, for the purpose of changing specifications, quantities, delivery requirements, or cancellations shall be directed to Purchasing personnel who then will make the communication to the supplier. Purchasing will keep departments apprised of the status of each of their orders. Purchasing desires to work cooperatively with all university personnel.
The Purchasing department may not alter specifications shown on the purchase requisition without the permission of the requesting department. However, Purchasing may discuss stated specifications, available alternatives, current market conditions, and quality considerations with the requesting department.
University organizations should retain copies of their issued purchase requisitions for a minimum of one year beyond the current fiscal year. Quotes, invoices and contracts should be attached by purchasing in Workday.